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7 African museums to visit This Chrismas

Writer: The blog nomad The blog nomad

Africa's years of civilization have caused many elites to reevaluate the continent's ancient past. The existence of advanced minds in pre-civilization Egypt and Southern Africa's ruins and countless mazing landmarks in Ethiopia, ancient infrastructures in west Africa to mention but a few. ol

We have compiled a thorough overview of seven African museums that hold ancient secrets in this post.

1. The Museum of Anthropology in Ethiopia

Ethiopia, you should tour the former and the town's treasure, where Paul Smith created the "Lucy Girl" fossil specimen of early people. Some refer to this specimen as a common grandmother .

Paleoanthropological research has typically only discovered fossil fragments and infrequently whole heads or ribs, which makes this specimen valuable. She was found in the Awash Valley at the base of Ethiopia's Afar Valley in 1974 by American anthropologist Donald Johnson, who subsequently calculated that "Lucy" was a homini who lived about 3.2 million years ago. A study that appeared in the British journal Nature in August 2016 suggested that Lucy might have died from wounds she received after falling from a tree.

The life, cuisine, and attire of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, notably the king's throne crown and the crimson velvet cape, are also highlights of this museum. Later, I purchased an African artist's portrait at a charity auction.

2.The National Museum in Nairobi

Outlook of National Museum of Kenya

With the first buildings donated by Indian businesspeople, the National Museum in Nairobi is eventually the symbol of India's soft power in Africa. For bird enthusiasts worldwide, the centerpiece of this museum is not the gigantic mammal exhibits but rather the aviary devoted to East African bird species, which features over 900 lifelike bird specimens, including nests that have been taken from the trees intact.

Apart from the avian specimens, the museum also has the same "little boy" hominin fossil as "Lucy" that was discovered in northern Kenya. The teenage boy had a slightly lesser brain capacity than modern humans but the same body type.

3.National museum dakar senegal

The Museum of Traditional Culture and Arts in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, is the most well-known in West Africa. The yellow-painted structure features a single "African mask" motif.

Picasso was influenced by African art, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon became a symbol of abstract art, and many sceneries of modern-day Africa can be attributed to the enigmatic power of African masks.

4.The national museum in downtown Freetown

The national museum in downtown Freetown is certainly worth a visit, but Sierra Leone is nearly too specialized to be an African tourist destination. Perhaps because there are not many tourists, the collection of unique items, such as huge ivory, is arranged haphazardly. In addition, the museum displays ancient colonial images and the traditions of many tribes.

5.Rail museum in Sierra Leone

In addition, there is a brand-new rail museum in Sierra Leone that features an impressive collection of carriages. Given the current state of the nation's traffic, I imagine the people there are yearning for the days when they had a train network.

6.Train carriages museum.

Smilarly ,The well-known Pride of Africa railway station in Pretoria, South Africa's administrative capital, has been restored from its original train carriages and is now a modest museum.

Among the African historical, cultural, and heritage sites that will be a part of my future life are Timbuktu in Mali, the Abomey Palace in Benin, the Historic Centre of Greater Ribeira in Cape Verde, and the Castle of Jesus in Mombasa. All of these historical sites are visually appealing and worth exploring. We hope you have time to travel in real life and gain firsthand knowledge.

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