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| Elections


Tanzania's Opposition Leader Tundu Lissu Arrested as Political Tensions Rise

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Ayize claire

Aug 12, 2024

Tanzanian opposition leader Tundu Lissu has been arrested alongside two other Chadema party officials, sparking concerns about political tensions in the lead-up to next year’s elections. Despite recent reforms under President Samia, the arrests highlight ongoing challenges in the country's political landscape.

Tanzanian opposition leader Tundu Lissu

Tanzanian police have arrested prominent opposition politician Tundu Lissu, along with two other leaders from the Chadema party, according to the party's reports. The arrests took place in Mbeya, a city in southwestern Tanzania, coinciding with World Youth Day celebrations.

This incident has sparked concern, as it comes just a year after President Samia Suluhu Hassan lifted a law that had previously banned opposition gatherings, signaling a move towards greater political openness.

The police reportedly canceled a Chadema meeting that they claimed was intended to destabilize the region. Chadema officials have expressed uncertainty about the whereabouts of their detained members, and there has been no public statement from the police regarding the arrests.

Chadema spokesperson John Mrema indicated that young people who had gathered for the event were detained and forced to return to their homes under armed guard. The situation has raised tensions, especially with the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for next year.

Lissu, who survived an assassination attempt in 2017, returned to Tanzania last year after spending time in exile. His return followed President Samia’s decision to reverse many of the restrictive policies implemented by her predecessor, John Magufuli, including the ban on opposition gatherings.

However, despite these reforms, some opposition figures have criticized President Samia, arguing that true political unity has not yet been achieved.

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