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| Human Rights


Riot of Tutsi Congolese and Banyamulenge Followed by Killings That Happened on Sunday

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Sep 4, 2024

The Minister of Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mutamba, has confirmed the killings that occurred in Goma City this Monday, following information received from the DRC’s intelligence services. The report indicated a gathering of M23/AFC partisans. He stated, "There are many spies operating under the guise of boda boda drivers, bicycle riders, and others, who meet under the pretext of praying. This is not the first time the DRC government has accused the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) of supporting M23/AFC. The government alleges a conspiracy and claims that Rwanda is allying with enemies who threaten the DRC."

Goma City has revealed captives, purported to be RDF soldiers, who were captured on the battlefield during a rapid search operation on Saturday afternoon. Intelligence pointed fingers at them after they were found gathering at Hotel 2020 in Majengo, Goma. The Minister added that leaked information suggests that RDF/M23 is aiming to conquer DRC territory, with the captives identified as young soldiers taken from the frontline.

A testimony from one of the captured soldiers, whose identity has not been disclosed for security reasons, revealed: "I am Rwandan, 22 years old, from Kayonza. I joined the RDF in 2020, and when the war in eastern Congo erupted, we were deployed. My comrades and I were captured, and our families have not been informed of our whereabouts."

After the DRC forces exposed the captives, the Rwandan government, led by President Paul Kagame, denied deploying any soldiers in eastern Congo. Rwanda has consistently stated that the issues in the DRC are Congolese matters and should be resolved by the Congolese themselves.

The Mayor of Goma added that M23/AFC and their allies have infiltrated the city with young taxi drivers and motorcycle riders, who report daily at 16:00 GMT to Village Urugwiro with information on the situation in the city.

This saga unfolds as President Kagame arrives in Indonesia, seemingly turning a blind eye to the young Rwandan soldiers being killed, allegedly in pursuit of his own global ambitions. The Minister of Justice further commented that in the DRC, the justice system, as an executive branch, is currently in a state of disrepair.

As for the question of whether mining activities in the DRC remain valid and operational, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi has been attending a summit where African and Chinese leaders are gathered to discuss such matters.

Riot of Tutsi Congolese and Banyamulenge Followed by Killings That Happened on Sunday


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