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| War & Conflicts


Escalating Violence in Eastern DRC Forces 2,500 Refugees into Uganda in past four days

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Mbeki edmond

Aug 4, 2024

The main push factor is the intensifying violence and insecurity," Tabaro stated. Among the refugees are pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children, underscoring the dire humanitarian situation.

Over 2,500 Congolese refugees arrive in Uganda

Over the past four days, at least 2,500 Congolese refugees have arrived in Uganda, fleeing escalating violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), according to a Ugandan military spokesperson. The influx includes nearly 100 police officers from the DRC, who crossed into Uganda over the weekend amid intensified clashes between M23 rebels and the Congolese military.

The officers, numbering 98, arrived via the Ishasha border crossing in Kanungu district, southwestern Uganda, carrying 43 guns and ammunition. They were subsequently disarmed upon arrival. Major Kiconco Tabaro, a regional spokesperson for the Uganda People's Defence Forces, reported that the officers were escaping severe violence and food scarcity caused by ongoing battles involving M23 and other militias.

"The main push factor is the intensifying violence and insecurity," Tabaro stated.

Among the refugees are pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children, underscoring the dire humanitarian situation.

The M23 rebel group has been conducting a renewed insurgency in Congo's volatile east since 2022. A recent United Nations report accused the Ugandan army of supporting the Tutsi-led rebels, a claim Uganda denies. The UN has also accused Rwanda of backing M23, allegations which Rwanda refutes.

Congo's military efforts to counter the rebels have escalated over the past year, employing drones and aircraft, yet the M23 has continued to expand its control. In June, the rebels seized Kanyabayonga, a strategically significant town in North Kivu province.

The conflict in North Kivu has displaced over 1.7 million people, contributing to a record 7.2 million Congolese displaced by multiple conflicts, according to UN estimates. The ongoing instability and humanitarian crisis in the region continue to force thousands to seek refuge in neighboring countries, including Uganda.

The arrival of these refugees highlights the urgent need for regional stability and humanitarian assistance to address the growing crisis in eastern DRC.

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