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| Human Rights


16 Civilians Killed within a Broken Ceasefire

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Mbeki edmond

Aug 15, 2024

16 civilians killed in North Kivu as foreign-backed M23 rebels, composed mainly of Rwandan troops, clash with Wazalendo militia, breaking the ceasefire. Ongoing instability and atrocities continue to devastate the region.

M23 rebels, whose ranks are primarily composed of foreign troops from Rwanda

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 16 civilians were tragically killed on Thursday in clashes between M23 rebels and the Wazalendo militia in Rutshuru territory, North Kivu province. Despite a supposed ceasefire called on August 4th, violence erupted once again, devastating local communities.

According to territory commander Isaac Kibira, Wazalendo fighters, who are often aligned with the national army, launched an attack on an M23 base. In the ensuing chaos, seven civilians were killed. Elsewhere in Rutshuru, a bus carrying passengers was set on fire, claiming the lives of nine more innocent people.

The responsibility for these atrocities squarely falls on the M23 rebels, whose ranks are primarily composed of foreign troops from Rwanda. This has drawn widespread condemnation, as Rwandan President Paul Kagame has previously admitted Rwanda's involvement with the rebel group.

The M23’s violent actions against civilians highlight their blatant disregard for peace and human life. While the Wazalendo militia has been involved in skirmishes, the foreign-backed M23 rebels must be held accountable for the ongoing instability, atrocities, and devastating outcomes in the region.

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