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Suspected Islamists Kill 16 in Eastern Congo

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The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), allied to Islamic State, started as a Ugandan insurgency but has operated from the jungles of eastern Congo for almost three decades.

At least 16 people have been killed by a suspected Islamist rebel group in North Kivu province, according to a local official. The attack, attributed to the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), highlights the ongoing violence in the region.

Fabien Kakule Viriro, a local administration official, reported the incident on Wednesday, stating, "We believe that the ADF are the perpetrators of this attack. They took advantage of the departure of the military in the area to come and kill the population."

The victims were brutally attacked with machetes while in their homes or fields. Some were executed as they attempted to escape, added Viriro.

The ADF, originally a Ugandan insurgent group, has been operating from the jungles of eastern Congo for nearly three decades. The group is allied with the Islamic State, further complicating the security situation in the region.

This latest attack underscores the persistent threat posed by the ADF in North Kivu and the challenges faced by local communities in the absence of adequate military protection.

The international community continues to monitor the situation, seeking ways to support peace and stability in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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