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UN-Backed Mission Aims to Combat Armed Gangs in Port-au-Prince

Kenyan Police Begin Patrols in Haiti despite Homegrown Unrest

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Ayize claire

Jun 29, 2024

Kenyan police team on streets in Haiti on left and Kenyan man kicks teargas can in Nairobi on the right

Port-au-Prince, Haiti – As Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille travels to the U.S., Kenyan police have started patrolling Port-au-Prince to combat armed gangs, part of a UN-backed mission.

Conille, with key ministers, left Haiti on Friday, with Justice Minister Carlos Hercule acting as prime minister in his absence. The delegation will meet with international financial institutions and inspect Haiti’s Washington embassy. Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer will meet Conille on Monday.

The U.S. financially supports the Kenya-led security force, requested by Haiti in 2022. The first Kenyan officers arrived this week, with over 2,500 expected.

Residents hope the Kenyan presence will restore peace.

"We need we can return to the lives we used to have," said Kloud Dine.

Gang leader Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier has vowed to resist the Kenyan police, calling them invaders. The violence has displaced over half a million people, with half the population facing hunger.

As Kenyan police work to stabilize Haiti, they face unrest at home, highlighting the challenges of global security efforts.

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