The body of 26-year-old Ian Singoe, who went missing on New Year’s Eve after visiting a Kasarani entertainment spot, has been found in Kasarani Mwiki. Singoe, from Bomet, had traveled to Nairobi on December 29, 2024, for work-related matters.
According to his mother, Pauline Korir, he went out on December 31 to meet friends but never returned. His phone was active until 1 a.m. on January 1 before going silent. Investigations into his death are ongoing.
In another incident, residents of Kawaida near Banana in Kiambu County discovered the body of 27-year-old John Muchiri Muthoni, who went missing on Friday afternoon, January 3, 2025. His girlfriend received a call on Saturday morning directing her to the location of his body. She found him stripped naked with visible injuries.
Both bodies were taken to Kihara Sub-County Hospital Mortuary, and postmortems are scheduled to determine the cause of death. Investigations into both cases continue.