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Study Reveals the Best Time of Day to Exercise for Fat Loss

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Ayize claire

Sep 14, 2024

A side-by-side transformation of the same person, showing the individual on the left as overweight with slumped posture, and on the right as fit with improved posture and a toned physique. Both images are set in an outdoor park under clear skies, symbolizing progress and fitness transformation

A visual transformation: From overweight to fit. Consistent exercise and healthy habits lead to lasting change

For years, there has been debate over when the best time of day is to exercise for fat loss. A recent study out of Spain, however, may have finally settled the matter. Researchers found that working out in the evening could offer the most benefits for people trying to lose weight, particularly for those struggling with obesity.

Key Findings: Evening Workouts Boost Metabolism

The study, conducted on 186 middle-aged participants, primarily focused on individuals who were overweight or obese. Researchers observed that participants who exercised between 6 pm and 12 am experienced lower blood sugar levels compared to those who worked out in the morning.

This is important because lower blood sugar means the body is better able to manage insulin and burn fat. Evening workouts appear to boost insulin levels, making it easier for muscle cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream and convert it into energy. This increased insulin activity may also reduce hunger, helping participants burn more calories throughout the day while consuming less food.

Why Evening Exercise May Be Better

Typically, our body's ability to absorb sugar declines as the day progresses, leading to increased blood sugar levels in the evening. However, exercising later in the day appears to counteract this, as the researchers found. Those who worked out in the evening had a more active metabolism, allowing their bodies to burn energy more efficiently.

Dr. Antonio Clavero-Jimeno, a sports scientist at the University of Granada, noted that this finding is particularly beneficial for sedentary adults with obesity. The study showed that evening exercise helped these individuals improve their blood sugar control, which could lead to better long-term health outcomes.

Evening Workouts and Heart Health

This research builds on findings from previous studies. For example, a study from the University of Sydney found that obese people who exercised after 6 pm had a 36 percent lower risk of heart disease. Meanwhile, those who exercised earlier in the day saw only a 17 percent reduction in their risk of developing the condition.

Another German study in 2022 also showed that evening exercise reduced insulin resistance by up to 25 percent in overweight individuals. Lower insulin resistance is linked to better weight management and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

What About Morning Workouts?

While some research has suggested that morning workouts are linked to thinner individuals, these studies don’t fully account for factors like lifestyle habits. People who exercise early in the day tend to be more health-conscious overall, which could skew the results.

Ultimately, the key takeaway is that any exercise is beneficial. Whether you choose to work out in the morning or evening, doctors agree that regular physical activity helps with weight loss—provided you're not consuming excess calories.

The Bottom Line

If you're trying to lose weight or manage obesity, consider shifting your workouts to the evening. The latest research suggests this timing may offer a better boost to your metabolism and insulin levels, helping you burn more calories and manage hunger more effectively.

Regardless of when you exercise, the World Health Organization recommends that everyone get at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week for optimal health.

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